Art World of

Joyce Kamikura


The World as Seen Through My Eyes

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My Paintings represent my personal response to my surroundings.  My ideas are fragments of what fascinates and intrigues me, and are roots from which my works begin to emerge.  They are derived mainly from objects in nature.   Often something insignificant and unexpected  flashes and whistles at me, transforming my idea into shapes, colours, lines etc.  In fact, these ideas are just an excuse for me to paint florals, landscapes, figures, abstracts etc.  As a result, although my works undoubtedly have origins in my daily living, they may be a good deal removed from reality; some of them may be quite representational while others more abstracted.  When painting, I derive a great deal of pleasure from the process of painting, struggling with possibilities and permutations, rather than arriving at the end product.

The perception of forms is a fundamental aspect of how artists interpret and represent the world around them. As an artist, the act of seeing forms involves more than just observing tangible objects; it encompasses the ability to discern underlying structures, shapes, and spatial relationships.

Color, with its inherent emotive and symbolic qualities, plays a pivotal role in shaping an artist’s visual vocabulary and communicative prowess. The interpretation of colors is a deeply personal and culturally influenced phenomenon, with each hue evoking a spectrum of emotional, psychological, and associative responses.

Lines, as fundamental elements of visual language, hold a profound significance in the realm of artistic expression. They possess the capacity to delineate, define, and imbue a sense of movement and direction within a composition. When I contemplate my world through the lens of lines, I am confronted with the dynamic interplay between structure and fluidity, precision and spontaneity.

Beyond the perceptual aspects of forms, colors, and lines, the act of creating art is inherently intertwined with intuition, spontaneity, and the artistic process itself. As an artist, I often find that my most compelling works emerge from a place of intuitive exploration, where my eyes and hands guide me through a journey of discovery and expression. This intuitive approach to artmaking involves a deep sense of trust in one’s creative instincts, allowing for a fluid and organic unfolding of ideas and visual manifestations.